Residency Requirements and Withdrawals

This 2-year residency requirement applies to incoming Freshmen and Transfer students accepted to Slippery Rock University in Fall 2023 and beyond. If you are required to sign an agreement as part of this 2-year residency requirement and reach 48 credits or 4 full-time semesters at the end of the Fall semester, you will be required to fulfill the agreement in its entirety for the entire academic year. See Housing FAQ for further information.

Term of Contract

The residence hall agreement is for both the Fall and Spring semesters of the academic year.

Roommate Requests

Roommate requests will be honored before a residence hall preference (either traditional or suite-style) as vacancies permit.

Refund Eligibility

  1. Refunds will be credited to your account if there is a balance due from the University.

  2. New Students who have paid the $175 fee and withdraw acceptance of their admission offer by May 1st will receive a full refund. NEW students who withdraw their acceptance of admission offer after May 1st will not be eligible for a refund.

  3. Returning Students who decide to withdraw or transfer from the University after reserving a room for the academic year will forfeit the entire $175 housing fee.

  4. If you are a CURRENTLY enrolled student at the University who paid the $175 advance fee to reserve a room for the  academic year and are academically suspended at the end of the current Spring semester or Summer sessions, you will forfeit the $175 housing fee.

  5. If you leave the University, after the start of the academic semester, you shall receive any refund due to you in accordance with the University's refund policy. The $175 deposit will be forfeited.


If you withdraw from the University, transfer from the University, or are academically suspended from Slippery Rock University at the end of the Fall semester, you will not be entitled to a refund of the $175 fee. IMPORTANT: Because this agreement is for the Fall and Spring semesters of the  academic year, if you withdraw from Slippery Rock University during the Fall semester for any reason but plan on being readmitted for the Spring semester in the same academic year, your residence hall fee will be credited to the Spring semester. If you change your mind and do not attend Slippery Rock University during the Spring semester, you will forfeit the $175 residence hall fee.

Residence Hall and Room Assignment Notification

If you sign your agreement terms online and pay $175 fee, you will receive your assignment during your orientation session.  The student will also receive an email to let them know their assignment has been made.  Please remember to check your SRU email especially as an incoming Freshman.  It is the only way we have to communicate with you.

Residence Hall FEE

The residence hall fee is $175. This residence hall fee will be credited to your account and applied to the Spring semester residence hall charges. Residence hall assignments will not be made without the $175 fee (if you are unable to pay the $175, please contact the Housing Office.)

Housing Exemption Form

If you are a First-Year or Transfer student, you may request an exemption from this residency requirement policy if you meet any of the following conditions with corresponding documentation. If requesting an exemption from the requirement, do not sign the housing agreement until you would be required to via an exemption denial.

Exemption requests include:

  • Commuting from permanent home address, within 60 miles of campus [Upload Notarized letter]
  • Fully Online [Class schedule will verify]
  • Over the age of 21 on or before December 31 of the current year [Student record will verify]
  • Married [Upload marriage certificate]
  • Dependent Child/Children in Student’s Custody [Upload Birth Certificate, Custody Order, OR copy of most recent student tax return]
  • Active military service (active duty reserves or national guard) or Military Veteran [Upload DD220, Copy of Orders, or DD214]
  • Will have over 48 credits by August 1; or have already completed 4 regular full-time semesters [Student record will verify]
  • Student is Part-Time Status [Upload statement; Class Schedule will verify]
  • Other [Upload detailed statement for review with any supporting documentation]

Please be fully aware exemptions are not guaranteed. Students must wait for approval of an exemption request before making other housing arrangements. Students should expect to receive an email to their @SRU.EDU account with a status update within 2 weeks of submittal from

Students that are subject to the residency requirement and fail to sign an agreement by July 1 will be assigned an available residence hall room and the corresponding room and standard meal plan charges will be added to their student account, along with the $175.00 advance housing fee.

Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities that require housing accommodations should register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS): ODS will make a recommendation to housing for accommodations needed. Please note that students will be asked to provide appropriate documentation when specific housing is requested.  Housing will accommodate as best able based on room availability at the time of request; registering with ODS does not guarantee a specific room type or exemption.