Apply for Housing

Looking to apply for student housing at SRU? You've come to right place. Find helpful links and other information below.

If you have any questions at all about applying for on-campus housing at SRU, please contact the Office of Housing & Residence Life at 724.738.2082 or email us at

Fall housing requires a $175 non-refundable processing fee.  First year students and first time transfer students qualify for a refund if they withdraw their intention to attend the University prior to May 1. If you are unable to submit the $175 for financial reasons, please contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life. There is no processing fee for the Spring semester.

Spring 2025 information

New freshmen are required to live on-campus unless they apply for and are approved for an exemption (found in the MyHousing Portal).  The housing application will be active on Nov. 2, 2024. The Office of Housing and Residence Life will assign your spring housing placement for you based on beds available and you will receive information sent to your SRU email once the assignment is complete (most likely, in early January). 

First Year Students (new, incoming, entering SRU for the Fall 2025 semester)

First year students are required to live on-campus their first two years unless they are within reasonable commuting distance and provide a notarized letter that they will be living at their permanent home address with their parent(s).  Our First Year Students page has step-by-step instructions on how to make your new student room reservation.

Current Students

Our Current Students page explains how you can reserve on-campus housing and choose a roommate.  

Transfer Students

Our Transfer Students  page tells you how you can apply for on-campus housing. Transfer students are not required to reside on campus, but will have an on-campus agreement available to them for their initial incoming semester (Spring) or academic year (Fall-Spring).  

Residency Requirements and Withdrawals

First year students (Freshmen) are required to live on campus during their first year of college (both Fall and Spring Semesters) unless you commute from a permanent home address. In that case, a notarized letter from a parent or guardian must be submitted to the Office of Housing & Residence Life. First-year students 21 years of age or older may request to be exempt from the residency requirement.

If you withdraw or transfer from SRU, are released from your residence hall contract by the Office of Housing & Residence Life, or are academically suspended by the university, your housing deposit will not be refunded.

See our Residency Requirements and Withdrawals page for additional information on roommate requests, room assignment notification, and more.