First Year Students

Room selection dates for Fall 2025-Spring 2026

Steps to Complete Housing Application - New Students

INCOMING FRESHMEN 2025-2026 Academic Year:   The on-campus housing application opens December 2, 2024 for all new students.  We will start corresponding with those students who have submitted their $90 enrollment fee starting each week.  Please make certain you are checking your SRU email.  Once you receive that email with specific housing information, you will be directed to log into your MyHousing Portal (Student Self-Service Portal) to complete the process.  First year students are required to reside on-campus for two years. Students who have completed fewer than four regular semesters of college, or fewer than 60 earned credits, are required to live on campus per the University. Students may request an exemption from this residency requirement policy via their MyHousing portal; please note an exemption from this requirement is not guaranteed. The most common exemption request would be students who plan to commute from their permanent home address, to which they will upload a notarized letter via the portal.  Download form here or you can create your own.  In short, you either need to complete a housing application, or apply for an exemption (also found in your MyHousing Portal under Application/Agreement).  

Prior to completing your housing agreement, you will need:

  1. A credit card or banking information for an electronic check for the $175 advance housing fee. This is non-refundable after May 1 (regardless if you have cancelled your admission to the University after this date).  It is only refundable on or before May 1 if you officially cancel your admission.
  2. Date of meningitis vaccination. This information is required. Your vaccination date can be obtained from your physician or your high school records. A waiver can be electronically requested when vaccination is medically contraindicated.
  3. Slippery Rock University’s primary form of communication will be via your SRU email account. Please log in frequently, or forward your University email to another personal account, to be sure you receive correspondence. All first and second year students are required to live on campus at Slippery Rock University. However, you may request an exemption from this residency requirement policy if you meet any of the following conditions:
  • Commuting from permanent home address (within 60 miles of campus) Upload a notarized letter confirming this.
  • Fully online course schedule (copy of class schedule).
  • Over the age of 21 on or before December 31 of current year (student record will verify)
  • Married (upload marriage certificate) 
  • Dependent child/children in student's custody (upload birth certificate, custody order, or copy of most recent student tax return)
  • Active military service or honorably discharged (upload DD220, copy of orders, or DD214)
  • Will have over 48 credits by August 15 or have already completed 4 regular full-time semesters (class schedule will verify)
  • Student serves on the Slippery Rock Volunteer Fire Company & Rescue Team as a live-in firefighter or EMT (a signed volunteer agreement will verify)
  • Student is part-time (upload statement, class schedule will verify)
  • *Other (upload detailed statement with any supporting documents)

*This request will be reviewed by a campus committee every 2 weeks.  Exemption from this requirement of living on campus is NOT guaranteed.  Do not sign an off-campus lease until you receive an approvaled exeption statement via SRU email.