Making a Referral

According to the 2024 Federal Guidance, all SRU employees MUST report all information known about incidents of sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, and stalking committed by or against an SRU student or employee to a Title IX Coordinator. Knowingly failing to report an incident as required could lead to termination of employment and possible criminal charges under state law. The only exemptions to this rule are those listed as confidential employees under our policy. If you have questions about your reporting obligations, please contact a Title IX Coordinator.

The most efficient and effective way to notify the Title IX Coordinator is through our Care Network. You may also email the Title IX Coordinator: or call her at 724.738.2953.

For more information on how to submit a Care Referral, please visit the Student Support. Once you’ve submitted a referral, you should receive a thank you message. Should you want to look for additional resources now, you can visit our SRU Concern Center Resource Page.

The privacy of student information is incredibly important to our department. We will not share information with parents, faculty, staff, coaches, teammates, roommates, etc. without expressed consent from the student unless the student is unable to communicate with us do to incapacity or there is a danger to the student or the community.

What Happens When I Refer

Once you enter your referral, the Title IX Coordinator receives an email notification and reviews the information you have provided. A Care case manager may call you to gather more information or get clarification on the information you provided.

Our Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Supportive Measures will email the student for follow up using their SRU email. In cases where a phone call may be warranted, we will use the cell phone number we have on file for the student.

The student will be invited in for a meeting with the Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Supportive Measures who will conduct a needs assessment, then have a discussion with the student about barriers, supports, goals, and resources. The average number of meeting times is two, initial meeting and follow up, occasionally there will be additional meetings based on student need.