The Bonner Program

Access to Education, Opportunity to Serve

The Bonner Program is a nationally-recognized four-year, undergraduate civic-engagement program providing leadership programming, academic support, engagement opportunities, and a social network.

The founding mission for the Bonner Program is to provide diverse low-income, under-represented, and first-generation students with the opportunity to attend college while engaging their talents and education in building and supporting communities.

Unlike other national scholarship programs, the Bonner Program does not simply reward students' past service; it challenges and supports students to continue that service throughout college. As such, the program adopted the motto "Access to Education, Opportunity to Serve" as its guiding principle. "Bonner Leaders" are community service leaders that are actively engaged in community partnerships and leadership development. Bonner Leaders are committed not only to service, but also to learning how to be an effective change agent for one's campus, community, and beyond. Bonner Leaders are passionate about social issues and creating a better and more just world.

For more information visit the Bonner website here.

For Questions regarding Bonner, please email