University Wide Outcomes

During the 2016-2017 academic year a joint committee of faculty and directors in co-curricular areas collaborated to draft a revised set of SRU student learning outcomes, along with a framework to help students understand how the learning outcomes fit together in their educational experience. In May of 2017 the revised outcomes were submitted to the University Curriculum Committee.

After determining that the existing outcomes did not address particular needs of Slippery Rock’s graduate programs, the Graduate Council approved three additional outcomes specific to graduate students in Spring 2019. The three graduate outcomes were presented to the University Curriculum Committee in October 2019. 

The outcomes are listed below and on the University Assessment Page.

Slippery Rock University Student Learning Outcomes

Slippery Rock University's vision is that SRU will excel as a caring community of life-long learners connecting with the world. In addition, the fundamental educational mission of Slippery Rock University is to transform the intellectual, social, physical, and leadership capacities of students in order to prepare them for life and career success. With this vision and mission as the foundation, the SRU Student Learning Outcomes provide the basis for SRU graduates to become life-long contributors as citizens and leaders in their communities and the broader world. Students at Slippery Rock will achieve these SLOs through their academic programs, the liberal studies program, and co-curricular programs and activities.

Slippery Rock University students will

1. Act as effective communicators:
Communicate successfully with diverse audiences in speech and writing.
Demonstrate active listening skills.
Apply analytical reading to support language use.

2. Apply critical thinking to argument and problem solving:
Gather, analyze and evaluate information and ideas.
Produce well-supported reasons and evidence.
Reach well-argued conclusions and decisions.
Use a variety of viewpoints and reflective thought.

3. Develop scientific literacy:
Explain and predict natural phenomena through use of observation, experimentation using appropriate technology, and scientific reasoning.
Make decisions based upon understanding of scientific concepts and processes.

4. Apply quantitative reasoning in appropriate contexts:
Create and use mathematics in a variety of forms including formulas, graphs, schematics, and computing, where appropriate.
Implement experimentation and quantitative reasoning to solve problems and make inferences.

5. Develop as a whole person:
Acquire and apply knowledge and skills in the major and profession, including soft skills.
Make connections beyond traditional disciplinary boundaries.
Demonstrate a desire for lifelong learning.
Establish an identity that incorporates emotional and physical wellness.

6. Demonstrate creativity and develop aesthetic appreciation:
Demonstrate understanding of the role of creativity in discovery, innovation, and artistic expression.
Develop aesthetic perception and appreciation.

7. Become civically engaged:
Acquire and apply skills and knowledge based on partnership and reciprocity within and beyond the university community.
Contribute to the betterment of society.

8. Act ethically:
Respect the range of ethical perspectives.
Understand their own values and principles.
Recognize the consequences and impacts of their actions on others.

9. Develop a worldview that acknowledges diversity and global interdependence:
Understand the importance of diverse experiences, cultures, and identities.
Understand the ways that group and individual inequalities and interactions impact self and society.
Apply multiple perspectives to address local, regional, global, and cultural issues.

10. Act as responsible digital citizens:
Recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world.
Use relevant digital technologies competently in ways that are safe, legal and ethical.


Graduate students achieve a separate set of general outcomes that complement the specific outcomes of their chosen programs. Graduate-level programs assess student achievement of these outcomes in their own disciplinary contexts. Assessment results inform program and institutional efforts to strengthen curricula, pedagogy, and educational resources. The three graduate outcomes are:

1.  Apply the major best practices, theories, or research methodologies in the fields(s) of study.

2.  Apply knowledge from the area(s) of study to address problems in the field.

3.  Formulate arguments or explanations to both an academic and general audience, in both oral and written forms.