How do students apply for positions?
Slippery Rock uses the Handshake platform for the GA application process. Instruction videos are available at
Can 3+3 undergraduate students hold graduate assistantships?
No. Even though you are enrolled in graduate-level classes, you are still considered an undergraduate student since you have not earned your bachelor’s degree. You are eligible to apply for an assistantship once you complete your undergraduate degree at the end of your first year.
My graduate program is 100% online. Am I able to work from home for my assistantship?
Students enrolled in online graduate programs are eligible to have graduate assistantships, but are expected to work on campus for their required hours. Therefore, graduate assistantships are not appropriate for students who live beyond commuting distance to campus or for students who do not wish to work face-to-face.
I will be enrolled in a graduate-level certificate program rather than a full degree. Am I eligble to hold a graduate assistantship?
Students must be enrolled in a full graduate degree to hold a graduate assistantship.
How long can I have a graduate assistantship position?
Students may hold a graduate assistantship up to two years maximum (four academic semesters, fall and spring). Students are eligible to complete a maximum of one graduate degree through Slippery Rock's assistantship program.
Students are limited to one assistantship at a time.
If I have a current graduate assistantship position, how long am I guaranteed a position?
Some graduate assistantship contracts are issued for the fall and spring semesters (academic year) and require an application each year. Some graduate assistantship positions are semester by semester and require an application each semester. You may not have assistantship for more than four semesters.
Will my graduate assistantship cover all financial obligations?
Graduate assistants are required to pay tuition for credit hours exceeding their award, as well all fees each semester. GA positions do not cover housing, books, and other living expenses. The nature of each assistantship will be clarified in the position description and contract, and can be confirmed with the supervisor. Slippery Rock University encourages all graduate students, even those with full-time assistantships, to complete a FAFSA because no assistantship is designed to cover all expenses. The FAFSA will unlock other possible sources of aid.
How many positions may I apply for?
There is not a limit on the number of GA positions that you may apply for each semester. We recommend applying for multiple positions.
When are new positions posted?
Positions for the new academic year usually post by early March and are available in Handshake.
Do I have to take all graduate coursework to fulfill the GA course requirements?
Yes, only graduate coursework will fulfill the GA requirements. Undergraduate coursework is not covered by the tuition waiver and you will be billed for those courses.
Does SRU offer Winter graduate assistantship positions?
SRU does not offer winter graduate assistantship positions. The winter term is short and campus offices are closed during most of the break.
Work Hours
How should I document my work time?
Graduate assistants must enter their hours worked and electronically sign their entries in e-Time each day. Your supervisor must also sign your entries to document their approval. Please remember that your work time is paid through the stipend.
What if I am scheduled to work and I call off?
If you call off work, you must make up the hours. As a general rule of thumb, full-time graduate assistants work 17.5 hours per week based on a 15-week semester. If you miss work hours, you must make up the work hours. Please note that you are not expected to work during the fall or spring breaks, although you may do so with your supervisor's permission.
Do I have to work during finals week?
Finals week is part of the 15-week per semester and can be used to help you meet the semester’s required work hours. You should work with your supervisor to set your schedule for the semester.
When do I receive payment for my stipend hours?
Students are paid every two weeks based on the hours documented and approved in e-Time.
Graduate Contract
I just received my graduate assistantship offer. When will I receive my contract?
You will receive a contract shortly after your supervisor submits the Graduate Assistantship Appointment Request Form to Academic Affairs. You must be formally admitted to your graduate degree before you will be offered a GA contract. Carefully review the contract's compensation information and other material before signing it so you understand the expectations for your assistantship.
How will I receive my graduate assistantship contract?
Once you are selected, your supervisor must complete the Graduate Assistant Appointment Request Form. Once Academic Affairs approves the form, your contract is created and sent electronically to your SRU email. You must print, read, sign, and email/scan the contract to Academic Affairs (
What happens once I submit my graduate assistant contract to Academic Affairs (
Once Academic Affairs receives your signed GA contract, we inform Student Accounts, Payroll, and Financial Aid. Student Accounts will apply the tuition waiver to your student account. Financial Aid will factor your award into your aid as appropriate. Payroll will email clearance and other employment paperwork for you to complete. Please go to the payroll page for more information.
I submitted my contract but I do not see my tuition waiver in my student account.
Please contact Student Accounts at 724.738.2088.
What if I do not work all of my hours during a week or the semester?
If you do not work all of your hours during a given week, you can make those up hours in subsequent weeks as long as the total hours worked during a given week does not exceed 20 hours. Hours not worked and documented in e-Time by the end of finals week may require your covered tuition to be partially billed to your account.
Can I work more hours each week than contracted?
If you are making up hours from a prior week you can work more than your contracted weekly hours as long as it does not exceed 20 hours in a given week. Hours worked over the contracted total hours each semester need to be entered separately in e-Time and will be paid through student wage funds rather than graduate assistantship funds. You must get your supervisor’s approval to work beyond your GA contract.
What if I resign from my GA position during the semester?
If you choose to resign from your position during the semester, your tuition waiver will be pro-rated and you will receive a partial tuition bill. In addition, you will not be eligible for your full stipend and will stop getting bi-weekly paychecks. Student Accounts and Student Employment can provide specific information for your situation, and you should discuss your intention with your supervisor since your departure has implications for completion of assigned work.