SRU’s annual 60x60 dance concert returns Sept. 28


60x60x60 performance

Slippery Rock University’s Dance Department’s annual 60x60x60 concert is 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., Sept. 28, at Stoner West.

Sept. 22, 202

SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — Slippery Rock University's Dance Department is hosting two presentations of its annual 60x60 concert, 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., Sept. 28, at the Dance Studio Theater in Stoner West. In one hour, more than 100 musicians, painters, dancers, choreographers and filmmakers will showcase their talent through 60 dance segments in 60-second intervals.

According to Andrew Hasenpflug, a SRU dance musician and instructor, the origin of the 60x60 comes from a musical contest created by Vox Novus of New York City. Similarly, musical artists would perform 60-second songs from across the world. The winners of the contest would be arranged into a 60-minute playlist called mixes.

"This is the 15th time I have spearheaded this concert at SRU," Hasenpflug said. "Originally, we thought it would be a once or twice thing. But we were too successful to stop. I think the concert will be really enjoyable. It's short-attention-span theater at its finest!"

Tickets for the 60x60 performances are $5 and can be purchased online at

For more information about dance programs at SRU, visit the Dance Department webpage.

MEDIA CONTACT: Aaliyah Thomas | 724.738.4854 |