SRU student project recognized in marketing competition


April 5, 2019

A group of Slippery Rock University students were recognized by the American Marketing Association for their submission in a national marketing competition. Five students received "Commendable" status for their entry in the AMA Collegiate Case Competition, which is a year-long event that brings together the top marketing students to work on a business challenge submitted by a sponsoring organization.

This year's sponsor was the Wall Street Journal and the students had to develop a marketing strategy to attract younger consumers to WSJ. Prizes were awarded to the top three submissions. The competition was open to active AMA student members and schools that have an affiliated undergraduate AMA collegiate chapter.

SRU students who contributed to the project were:

  • Ashley Annarelli, a senior marketing major from Allison Park.
  • Samantha Brownlee, a senior communication major from Gulf Breeze, Florida.
  • Lindsay Mulhollen, a sophomore communication major from La Jose.
  • Hannah Owen, a senior marketing major from Aliquippa.
  • Kelli Pattison, a senior marketing major from Pittsburgh.

Annarelli, Brownlee and Owen will attend the AMA International Collegiate Conference April 11-13, in New Orleans, a conference that combines professional development, career advisory, competitions and networking with more than 1,700 marketers for undergraduates in marketing majors.