SRU’s Military Appreciation Week kicks off with Veterans Day programming

Slippery Rock University will honor veterans and military with several events Nov. 11-15 including the Veterans Day Ceremony, 11 a.m., Nov. 11, at the Russell Wright Alumni House.
Oct. 29, 2019
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — Slippery Rock University will celebrate its annual Military Appreciation Week, Nov. 11-15.
The week will begin with the SRU Veteran's Center hosting a Veterans Breakfast, 9 a.m., Nov. 11 in the Smith Student Ballroom. At 11 a.m., the Office of Alumni Engagement will host a Veterans Day Ceremony at the Russell Wright Alumni House. Both events are free and open to the public.
Jondavid Longo, '15, '17, and mayor of Slippery Rock, will deliver the keynote address at the Veterans Day Ceremony. Longo served six years in the U.S. Marine Corps, including a combat deployment to Afghanistan.
"It's a great honor (to be selected as keynote) because there are many folks in the community who have gone far beyond what I ever did during my time in the military. I just hope that I can lend my voice to the community and make them proud," Longo said. "I will touch on the importance of honoring veterans and paying attention to the sacrifices that they make for us, both at home and abroad, and I will commend the community for continuing to honor them by hosting these events."
SRU President William Behre; Austin Reep, a junior philosophy major from Butler, who is an ROTC cadet; and Steven Pancoast, a senior exercise science major from Saint Marys, Georgia, who is president of the Student Veterans of America at SRU, will also offer remarks.
Pancoast will present a service dog to SRU student veteran Heath Fishburn, a junior environmental geoscience major from New Castle. This is the third year that the SVA has raised funds to provide a service dog with an SRU student veteran.
The Veterans Day Ceremony will also include members of the SRU Army ROTC raising the colors, laying a wreath, firing a 21-gun salute and playing taps. Lt. Col. Lillian Woodington, professor of military science, will recognize enlisted cadets, and the SRU Chamber Singers will perform the national anthem, Alma Mater and "God Bless America."
Refreshments will be served immediately following the event.
Military Appreciation Week events, organized through the Veteran's Center and the Office for Inclusive Excellence, include the following:
• SVA Team Building, 6 p.m., Nov. 11, SSC Ballroom. The SVA will provide an opportunity for SRU students to participate in a series of leadership activities to build a sense of camaraderie among veteran and civilian students.
• Protect the 22 Push-Up Challenge, 12:30 p.m., Nov. 12, The Quad. ROTC cadets will do 22 push-ups for every donation to the SVA's service dog fund.
• Keystone speaker: Bobby Hemline, 7 p.m., Nov. 12, SSC Theater. Hemline, a four-tour Iraqi War veteran, retired staff sergeant and wounded warrior, is a professional motivational speaker and comedian who performs as the "Well Done Comedian."
• Religion and the Military: Film and Discussion, 7 p.m., Nov. 13, SSC Room 322. Faith-based student organizations at SRU will host a showing of the movie "Indivisible" followed by a discussion.
• Demystifying Deployment, 12:30 p.m., Nov. 14, SSC Theater. The Veterans Center will host a panel discussion consisting of SRU faculty, alumni and military veterans addressing the myths and misconceptions surrounding military deployments.
• "Band of Brothers" showing and discussion, 6:30 p.m., Nov. 14, SSC Room 322. The SVA is hosting a showing of an episode of the television series "Band of Brothers" followed by a discussion.
• Student Government Association Movie Series, 7 p.m., Nov. 15, SSC Theater. The SGA is hosting a showing of the movie "12 Strong."
• SRU Wears R.E.D., Nov 15. Members of the SRU community are asked to wear red to "remember everyone deployed." Depending on supply, shirts will be provided to those who attend the Veterans Breakfast and other Military Appreciation Week events.
Throughout the week, canned food donations will be accepted for Butler VA Health Care System and Robin's Home, a home supporting housing for women veterans and their children in Butler, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in The Suite on the second floor of the SSC.
MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Zackal | 724.738.4854 |