SRU announces Nov. 7 Graduation Fair, commencement ticket distribution

Oct. 24, 2018
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — The Annual Graduation Fair, will tack place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Nov. 7, in the Smith Student Center Ballroom.
The event, sponsored by the SGA Bookstore, provides students who have applied to graduate at the University's Dec. 14 ceremony the opportunity to purchase required regalia, class rings, diploma frames and other University memorabilia.
"It's the one stop shop for any student graduating this winter," said Joe Flynn, manager of the SGA Bookstore. "We'll have everything a soon-to-be graduate will need, all in one location. It's convenient and quick."
The event also provides students with the first opportunity to pick up their commencement tickets.
Applicants who applied by the Oct. 1 deadline are guaranteed up to four guest tickets. Each guest, including children, must have a ticket. Tickets will also be distributed Nov. 11-20, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Old Main, Room 302. There will be a special Saturday distribution of tickets, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Nov. 16, on the first floor of the Smith Student Center. A valid student ID is required to pick up tickets.
Any extra tickets will be distributed at the 1:30 p.m., Dec. 13 rehearsal at Morrow Field House.
Students who applied after the Oct. 1 deadline are not guaranteed to receive guest tickets, or that their names will appear in the commencement program.
Students that missed the Oct. 1 deadline to apply for graduation must apply in person at the Office of Academic Records, Old Main, Room 107.
At the fair, the SRU Alumni Association will distribute zipper pulls to candidates and distribute medallions to magna cum laude graduates. Graduating seniors will be able to join the Alumni Association for a special rate of $25 and will receive a free gift.
Staff from SRU's Office of Career Education and Development will distribute information about the official "First Destination" survey that graduates will receive via email. The survey measures what graduates are doing after college. The CED also will provide information about its remaining workshops, "Managing Money and Debt" and the "Senior Career 411" program that will cover letters, resumes, using LinkedIn, networking, interviewing skills and the best and worst ways to search for a job.
Light refreshments will be offered during the event.
Questions related to caps, gowns, announcements and rings should be directed to the SGA Bookstore at: 724.738.2014.
Additional commencement information is available by clicking here.
MEDIA CONTACT: Lesa Bressanelli | 724.738.2091 |