SRU faculty and staff encouraged to take part in annual SECA campaign
Sept. 11, 2019
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — Slippery Rock University's 2019 State Employee Combine Appeal campaign, "We Can Do It," is underway and will continue through Oct. 25. Through the campaign, employees can donate to their favorite charities, participate in special events and dedicate their donations.

Approximately 1,000 charities participate in the SECA campaign, allowing donors to choose from a wide variety of charities with humanitarian and environmental missions. All charities are represented by one of nine umbrella organizations.
To contribute, employees can log-in to the Employee Self Service portal or fill out a paper pledge form to designate their contribution. Directions for using ESS to make a donation can be found by clicking here. A complete list of this year's approved SECA charities are listed in the campaign resource guide. Employees may publicly dedicate their donations in honor or memory of someone.
Employees who donated even just 30 minutes of pay per month will be recognized as Governor's Circle and Gold Givers.
Employees are reminded that SECA donations made through payroll deduction do not rollover from year to year; they must be renewed annually.
For additional information, visit or contact Mark O'Connor at 724.738.2253 or Shannon Young at 724.738.4975.
MEDIA CONTACT: Robb King | 724.738.2199 |