SRU sets out to ‘WOW’ new students Aug. 22 to Sept. 3

Slippery Rock University will help new students move-in and adjust to life on campus with its Week of Welcome programming, Aug. 21 to Sept. 3.
June 25, 2019
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — There are many events at Slippery Rock University that bring out the best in the campus community but none are quite like the University's annual Week of Welcome. WOW is a program dedicated to helping new students move in and get settled at the University prior to the first day of classes. The entire process is overseen by a large contingent of volunteers - numbering in the hundreds - that include returning students, staff and faculty.
"What WOW does is it demonstrates the type of community we are," said David Wilmes, associate provost for student success. "Slippery Rock University is a family and we are welcoming these new students to the family. This is evident by the faculty and staff and returning students we have as volunteers to help on move-in day."
Approximately 400 volunteers will help more than 1,500 arriving students move into the University residence halls, Aug. 22,. WOW programming continues through Sept. 3. Fall semester classes begin Aug. 26.
WOW programs range from various orientations, tours and information sessions, to mandatory events like the New Student Convocation, 9 a.m., Aug. 23, in Morrow Field House, followed by Success Sessions at 10 a.m., when students will be escorted from the convocation to assigned classrooms to receive information about being successful at SRU.
There will also be social events including a performance by hypnotist Chris Jones, 8:30-10 p.m., Aug. 22, at Morrow Field House; a cookout and yard games in The Quad, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Aug. 23; Paint Splash: Black Light Paint Party, 9-10:30 p.m., Aug. 23, in the Smith Student parking lot near the SGA Bookstore (rain location: Smith Student Center Ballroom); and an outdoor screening of the movie "Avengers: Endgame," 8:30 p.m. to midnight, Aug. 24, behind Watson Hall (rain location: Smith Student Center Ballroom).
"We're trying to do more social events, just to kick off the year and capture the shared excitement students have for being at SRU," Wilmes said.
Another new resource being offered this year will involve having representatives from the University's Student Accounts Office available to answer questions at information tables on the second floor of the Smith Student Center from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Aug. 22. The Student Accounts Office handles tuition assessment, billing, accepting payments, disbursing aid released from the Financial Aid Office and collections.
"That office tends to have high call volumes during that week and we want it to be more personable so students and parents can come in and ask questions in person," Wilmes said.
Move-in day will follow a process where volunteers will assist new students and their families from the moment their cars enter campus.
Students and their families are encouraged to be punctual and follow their scheduled arrival time, as not to disrupt families scheduled to arrive in the following hour. Students and their families are able to choose an arrival time between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the "My Housing" online portal.
Arriving students and their families are advised to:
• STOP ... in front of their assigned building.
• DROP ... off all belongings. Volunteer staff will be on hand to assist.
• GO ... park the vehicle so that others can begin the move-in process.
Wilmes said students can help assure a seamless move-in by:
• Displaying their designated residence hall "hangtag" on the vehicle's rearview mirror.
• Making sure they have their SRU ID and $20 Association of Residence Hall Students house council fee on hand.
• Being prepared for the weather (extreme heat, rain, etc.).
• Marking all luggage with a label showing name, residence hall and room number.
• Packing belongings in easy to carry totes, boxes or tied off trash bags.
• Bringing a small dolly or cart for moving bulky items.
• Smiling and enjoying the day.
On move-in day, students have the opportunity to unpack, meet their roommates, meet with the community assistant on their floor and enjoy free hot dogs, beverages and cookies.
SRU will have "Ask Me" tents available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the first day of classes, Aug. 26, where students may stop and ask for help navigating campus. The tents will be located on the lawn near Vincent Science Center, Weisenfluh Dining Hall and the Smith Student Center.
A complete list of WOW events and other resources to help new students transition to SRU will be posted soon at the following link: For additional questions email or call the Office of Student Success at: 724.738.2136.
MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Zackal | 724.738.4854 |