SRU adds more AEDs to campus’ life-saving inventory

Additional automated external defibrillators were recently installed at Slippery Rock University, increasing the total number of AEDs available from 37 to 54.
May 9, 2018
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. - Thanks to the purchase of 17 additional automated external defibrillators, bystanders at Slippery Rock University have even more tools to respond immediately should someone suffer a cardiac arrest. At least one AED is now available in every academic building, residence hall, dining hall and high-traffic area on campus.
While AEDs are not required equipment by law, SRU has taken proactive steps to make them available throughout the campus. Based on feedback from faculty, staff and students, the University increased the total number of AEDs available from 37 to 54.
The importance of AEDs was reaffirmed by a recent incident in Maltby Center, where a University Police officer brought an AED to the building to revive an unresponsive student seconds after classmates called for help.
"The University administration has heard and embraces engagement (from students, faculty and staff) and proactively considers best practices whenever and wherever possible," said Paul Novak, executive director of environmental health and safety. "When situations happen, it serves as a stark reminder how important it is to be aware of our surroundings and to make every effort to provide life safety devices for our students, faculty and staff. (The decision to increase the number of AEDs) speaks very highly of SRU's continuing commitment to health and safety."
According to the National Safety Council, quick access to an AED by an engaged bystander could increase the odds of survival from 5 percent to 40 percent and higher. The American Red Cross says that for each minute defibrillation is delayed, the chance of survival is reduced approximately 10 percent, which is significant because average response times for first responders is 8-12 minutes.
Now, with a 46-percent increase of AEDs at SRU, more lives could potentially be saved. A best practice for students, faculty and staff is to identify to the location of the AED in their buildings and be prepared to use them if someone were to become unresponsive or suffer a cardiac arrest.
AED locations at SRU currently include:
-Advanced Technology and Science Hall, first floor, near Room 142.
-Art I Building, first floor, by elevator next to water fountain.
-Art Metals Building, first floor in the large classroom.
-Myford Art Sculpture Building, room 102.
-Carruth Rizza Hall, first floor, main entrance galleria
-Dinger Classroom Building, first floor main entrance lobby
-Eisenberg Classroom Building, first floor, near water fountain
-Maltby Hall, first floor, near entrance corridor.
-McKay Education, lobby, near Room 105.
-Spotts World Culture, lobby, near main entrance.
-Swope Music Building, first floor, near main entrance.
-Vincent Science Center, first floor, near main entrance.
-Aebersold Student Recreation Center, front desk.
-Aebersold Student Recreation Center, intramural office.
-Aebersold Student Recreation Center, hallway east.
-Aebersold Student Recreation Center, hallway west.
-Bailey Library, front desk.
-Boozel Dining Hall, lobby.
-Building A, front lobby.
-Building B, front lobby.
-Building D, front lobby.
-Building E, front lobby.
-Building F, front lobby.
-Facilities and Planning Building, front desk.
-Field House, front lobby.
-Field House, lower level near the locker rooms.
-Field House, training room.
-Harrisville Building, hallway.
-Lifelong Learning building.
-Mihalik-Thompson Stadium, hallway.
-Mihalik-Thompson Stadium, training room.
-North Hall, rear lobby.
-Old Main, first floor lobby.
-Patterson Hall, first floor lobby.
-Patterson Hall, second floor.
-Physical Therapy Building, second floor hallway.
-Rhoads Hall, Student Health Center.
-Safety Office, closet.
-Smith Student Center, second floor.
-Smith Student Center, third floor.
-Storm Harbor Equestrian Center, front lobby.
-University Police station.
-University Union, outside of disabilities office.
-Watson Hall, front lobby.
-Weisenfluh Dining Hall, dining room.
-West Gym, first floor lobby.
-Women's field hockey locker room.
Additional AEDs will be added to buildings currently under renovation.
MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Zackal | 724.738.4854 |