SRU Empty Bowls event brings awareness to college food scarcity

April 5, 2019
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — Slippery Rock University's Student Government Association will host an Empty Bowls dinner, 4-8 p.m., April 12, in the Smith Student Center Ballroom. At the event, students, faculty, staff and community members can purchase bowls, eat soup and bread, and learn about food insecurity issues plaguing college campuses across the country.
"Our goal is to try to get people to understand that people do suffer from food insecurity and that for some people, college students included, this kind of meager dinner is normal and happens every day," said Elizabeth Hernandez, a senior political science major from Grove City and the vice president of student and academic affairs for SGA who is co-coordinating the event.
Handcrafted bowls, created by members of the SRU Potter's Guild and students during open studio time, will be available for purchase. Bowls will be priced from $5-$20, depending on size, design and time spent creating the work.
Hernandez said the event is a "simple dinner" that is meant to imitate the basic conditions of those suffering from food insecurity.
Proceeds will benefit Bob's Market, the SGA-supported food pantry for SRU students that is located at the Macoskey Center. "In the past, the SRU's Potter's Guild donated the proceeds to outside charities, but its members thought since this is a student-driven event, it would make sense to put the proceeds back into a program to benefit students," said Hernandez.
Food for the event is being donated by AVI Fresh, SRU's contracted food vendor.
MEDIA CONTACT: Lesa Bressanelli | 724.738.2091 |