SRU establishes computer purchasing policy for faculty and staff

Slippery Rock University has approved a new Computer Purchasing Policy to ensure that faculty and staff have suitable computers that are accounted for by Information and Administrative Technology Systems.
March 30, 2018
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. - Slippery Rock University has approved a new Computer Purchasing Policy that applies to faculty and staff to ensure that they have appropriate hardware to perform their assigned responsibilities, while also accounting for the proper use of the University's resources.
Under the new policy, all faculty and staff computers will be placed on a four-year replacement cycle with each employee allowed only one computer unless granted an exception by their dean or director.
"We're making sure our assets are being used appropriately so that there's no confusion when we perform upgrades or when we need to purchase new computers," said John Ziegler, associate provost of information and administrative technology systems. "The policy is not IATS determining what a person needs to do their job, we just want the dean, department chair or director to sign off on it so that when we have to do audits or somebody has a question when they take a computer home, we're able to account for it."
The main concern, according to Ziegler, is making sure the data on the computers is secured and that proper software upgrades and licenses are administered.
"This policy also ensures that our faculty and staff have up-to-date, functioning computers," said Erik Anderson, technology services manager, who indicated that the four-year cycle for replacements is standard and allows SRU to get the most life out of a computer. "We are making sure that we are maintaining a good, strong fleet of computers."
The policy is effective immediately. The full Computer Purchasing Policy can be viewed by clicking here.
MEDIA CONTACT: Justin Zackal | 724.738.4854 |