SRU trustees to meet March 28-29

Slippery Rock University's council of trustees, including Sen. Mary Jo White, will meet March 28-29 for committee and quarterly business meetings.
March 25, 2019
SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. - Slippery Rock University's council of trustees will meet March 28-29. Committee meetings will take place March 28 in Room 320 of the Smith Student Center. The Governance Committee meeting will take place at 10 a.m., March 29 in Room 320 of the Smith Student Center. The quarterly business meeting will take place at 1:30 p.m., March 29 in the Smith Student Center Theatre. All meetings are open to the public.
The Academic and Student Affairs Committee will meet at 1 p.m., March 28 to hear three presentations. The first will be from Lauren Moran, director of student engagement and leadership on the enhancement of student engagement through technology; the second from David Wilmes, associate provost of student success, on SRU's steps to address student food insecurity; and the third from Elizabeth Hernandez, a senior political science major from Grove City and the Slippery Rock Student Government Association vice president for academic and student affairs, who will provide an update on the SGA food pantry.
The Finance Committee will meet at 2 p.m., March 28 to receive a review of the University's financial risk assessment by Lois Johnson, State System associate vice chancellor for administration and finance; as well as information pertaining to enrollment trends and comparisons; the University's capital budget; and review contracts, fixed assets and service and supply purchase orders; the quarterly financial report; a review of the facilities and planning project list; and personnel appointments.
The University Advancement Committee will meet at 3 p.m., March 28 to receive an internal readiness assessment report update from Christina Yoon, vice president of Campbell & Company; a status report from Amir Mohammadi, interim vice president for advancement, regarding the Gail Rose Lodge; and an overview of advancement, foundation and alumni operations.
The trustees will meet with Sean McKitrick, vice president of institutional field relations, from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education at 9:30 a.m., March 29, to discuss the processes involved with the University's efforts to earn reaffirmation of accreditation by the MSCHE.
The Governance Committee will meet at 10 a.m., March 29 to discuss Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education's "systemness;" an update on the Pennsylvania Association of Councils of Trustees spring conference; the student trustee selection process; and proposed dates for 2019-20 trustee meetings.
At the quarterly business meeting at 1:30 p.m., March 29, the council will present commendations to Jairus Moore, student trustee for his service to the council; the SRU Marching Pride for its award-winning performances at the 2019 St. Patrick's Day Festival in Dublin, Ireland and the 49th Annual International Band Championship in Limerick, Ireland; the SRU Cheerleading squad's third-place finish at the 2019 Universal Cheerleaders Association/Universal Dance Association College Cheerleading and Dance Team National Championships; and the SRU women's field hockey team for having the highest cumulative grade point average in NCAA Division II.
Trustees will also hear a presentation from Rebecca Thomas, assistant professor of parks, conversation and recreational therapy; Julianna Sabol, a sophomore public health major from Freedom; and Andrew Sumser, a freshman recreational therapy major from Avon, regarding food justice.
MEDIA CONTACT: Robb King | 724.738.2199 |