Phi Kappa Phi Initiation

Phi Kappa Phi

Each year inductees are added to the prestigious honor society of Phi Kappa Phi.

Phi Kappa Phi

History at SRU

Chapter 294 of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi at Slippery Rock University was chartered and installed at Slippery Rock University on November 4, 2004.

Forty students were proudly inducted into the Society at that time. Northeast Region Vice President Ronald Johnson participated in the ceremony as the installing officer. In addition, Slippery Rock University's President Robert Smith, Provost William Williams, and Dean William McKinney were among the many faculty and administrators present. Five SRU faculty were initiated as members with eleven other faculty and administrators, including Smith and McKinney, initiated as charter members.

We have initiated several hundred chapter members since our inception.

2024-2025 Chapter Officers

President: Dr. Christina Silva, Department of Nursing -

Past President: Dr. Elizabeth Boerger, Department of Psychology -

Vice-President/President-Elect: TBD

Treasurer: Dr. Catherine Massey, Department of Psychology -

Secretary: Dr. Sunita Peacock, Department of Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Writing -

Awards & Grants Coordinator: Dr. Betsy Kemeny, Department of Recreational Therapy - 

Public Relations Officer: TBD

Student Vice President: TBD


Standards for election to Phi Kappa Phi are extremely high. Membership is by invitation only to Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania students who have no academic or conduct judgments resolved against them and who are in the top 7.5 percent of second-term juniors and the top 10 percent of seniors and graduate students. For more details about eligibility and the organization, check our bylaws.

Why join?

  • Recognition for academic performance
  • Affiliation with distinguished members worldwide
  • Awards, grants, fellowships, and scholarships
  • Publications - The Forum, and PKP newsletter
  • Publishing opportunities

Phi Kappa Phi's motto, Philosophìa Krateìto Photôn, "Let the love of learning rule humanity," reveals how those who love academia can use their membership to grow scholastically and use that growth to benefit others. Phi Kappa Phi's mission is "To recognize and promote academic excellence in all fields of higher education and to engage the community of scholars in service to others." Students and faculty who are active members have a distinct advantage as their membership provides recognition, resources, and opportunities.

Local dues are $10 and can be paid at the national website.

For more information about Phi Kappa Phi, visit the National web site at Available information includes membership benefits, scholarships, grants, fellowships, awards, national news, publications and employment network.


Local news and announcements will be made via email and our Facebook page. Be sure to Like us! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

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