Types of Housing

Residence Halls

Living in SRU's Residence Halls is a great way to make new friends and make the most of your college experience. We offer a number of different room types in the Residential Suites (Buildings A-F) that include two, three, four, and six-person rooms and suites that have an apartment-like feel with semi-private bathrooms and a snack prep area. Single-style suites also include a private common area and private bedrooms. SRU also offers more traditional style housing options in North Hall and Rhoads Hall, offering double and triple occupancy rooms with a shared restroom for each floor section with single occupancy showers and toilets with a shared sink area. 

Living Learning Communities

Being part of a community is about making connections with others who have common interests. Living Learning Communities (LLCs) at SRU give you all the advantages of living on campus in a residence hall, with the added benefit of living among a group that shares academic goals and interests.


SRU's Rock Apartments are reserved as an option for students who are currently at Sophomore class standing and above at the time of application. The Rock Apartments are furnished, have 4 single bedrooms, and are right on campus. You will enjopy a full kitchen with dining area and a living room that can be used for relaxing with friends or getting together with a study group. The best of on-campus living at a competitive price for returning students!

Summer Housing

SRU offers Summer Housing for summer school students and full-time student workers. Summer residents are housed in our Rock Apartments. If you're moving from the residence halls at the close of finals week and need to stay on campus, you'll be able to make arrangements to move directly into Rock Apartments. 

Graduate Housing

SRU does not have on-campus housing specifically for graduate students.  The course catalog has a link for Off Campus Housing ideas. Unfortunately, the Office of Housing and Residence Life is unable to assist with recommendations for off-campus living.

Off-Campus Housing

In addition to our on-campus options, students can also choose to seek out apartments, houses, or rooms to rent off campus if they are not required to reside on campus, or if they request and are approved for an exempton to the on-campus residency requirement.