Rock Solid Planning

50+ Pathways to Transfer Success Between BC3 and SRU

BC3 Pathways to Success

Slippery Rock University and Butler County Community College (BC3) have built 50+ pathways to transfer student success over our long and collaborative partnership of providing affordable and seamless educational opportunities for the county and this region in Western Pennsylvania.

Choose Your Pathway

Whether you are a high school student pursuing college level coursework and need recommendations for a future transfer OR completing an associate degree and want to ensure you are getting the most for your time and money, SRU is here to help make the process as simple as possible.


Be planful with course selection so that all you take counts toward eventual degree completion at SRU.  We have a comprehensive website with important information about how the process works and what majors have specific requirements that need special attention. Make your affordable coursework at BC3 work for you; connect with us to verify the transferrability of your classes.


Statewide Program-to-Program (P2P) Agreements allow students at BC3 to transition seamlessly from an associate degree to a bachelor degree in similar programs of study at the junior level with no loss of credits; we can apply credits toward general education, the academic major and the electives block.  This is a win-win scenario. . .affordable classes at BC3 and an easy transfer after associate degree completion!

Learn more here about eligible programs of study and transfer criteria.


Formal articulation agreements, while still requiring the completion of an associate degree, feature course for course equivalencies between SRU and BC3 in specialized programs of study.  These agreements note course recommendations in general education, the academic major and the electives block to ensure students get the most from their transfer.

Learn more here - click on "Individual Articulation Agreements with PA Community Colleges" to review the existing agreements between SRU and BC3.

calculate the financial savings with a bc3 beginning

BC3 Tuition & Fees | SRU Tuition & Fees

Ready to discover your pathway to transfer success?

Meet with us at BC3 | Meet with us at SRU