Exploratory Studies

Offered by: Exploratory Studies & Academic Progress

The Exploratory Studies program at Slippery Rock University (SRU) is designed to support students undecided about their major when they first come to SRU. In fact, each year more than 200 students begin their studies at Slippery Rock with the skills and abilities to succeed but without a clear idea of what major to choose. 

By enrolling in the Exploratory Studies program as an undecided student, you will be connected to resources to learn about different majors and minors through the Academic Services Department. These resources include personalized advising, discussions with faculty and students, and comprehensive career education to thoughtfully explore your future academic path at SRU.

Why enroll in Exploratory Studies before choosing a major?

At SRU, we believe students should feel confident and comfortable starting their college career even if they are undecided about their major. It's okay not to have it all figured out from the get-go. Part of attending college at SRU is working to find your unique career path. 

Through the Exploratory Studies program, you'll have time to learn more about SRU's different majors and minors; take self-discovery inventories; explore your skills, values, interests, and abilities; and work with the Office of Career Education and Development to decide if the major you choose has employment opportunities suited to your goals. When you do choose a major, you'll know your choice is informed by honest and thorough investigation.

Participating in the Exploratory Studies program gives you the time, opportunity, and an on-campus support system to best prepare for a productive four years at Slippery Rock University. As an Exploratory Studies student, you also have the opportunity to live in the Explore, Discover, Decide Living-Learning Community, which allows you to be neighbors with peers that are also interested in this process of academic self-discovery.

What Will You Learn?

Students who earn their degree from SRU complete coursework from three components: Liberal Studies Program, major program, and free electives. You are completing the requirements of the Liberal Studies Program as an Exploratory Studies major. This course structure allows you to discover your academic interests and stay on track to earn your degree.

In the meantime, you are engaging with a reflective process that will help you learn about yourself and the major that is right for you and your career goals. You will also take a one-credit course that covers topics relating to the transition from high school to college including choosing a major, academic advising, and utilizing campus resources. 

Career Education for Exploratory Studies Students

One of the core benefits of the Exploratory Studies program is the career education. Your academic advisor, faculty, and fellow students will support you through the process of considering which academic path aligns with future career aspirations, skills, and areas of interest. You'll also be able to participate in college skills workshops and receive peer tutoring and specific services from the Office of Career Education and Development.

Start your Slippery Rock journey in Exploratory Studies!

The Exploratory Studies program at SRU offers undecided students the time and opportunity to consider their major and future career aspirations, all while earning credit toward graduation.

Interested in learning more about Exploratory Studies? Request more information today!