Philip Vanouse and Dr. Micah Holt, co-directors

The SRU Brass Ensemble, directed by Philip VanOuse and Heather Johnson, offers several concerts per academic year and tours regularly. This ensemble performs in diverse instrumentations, ranging from a full brass band to various brass ensemble combinations. SRU Brass Ensemble is open to all SRU students.
Dr. Cassandra Eisenreich, director

The SRU Flute Choir, directed by Cassandra Eisenreich, is an active university ensemble which performs many times per semester, both on campus and in the community. The group meets twice per week and receives university credit for ensemble participation. The ensemble commissions new works for flute choir every year and is a sought after ensemble for premiering new music. The flute choir has frequently traveled to attend the National Flute Association Convention; the ensemble was honored to be invited to perform for this association's conventions in Minneapolis, MN, Kansas City, KS, Columbus, OH, and Pittsburgh, PA. Other noteworthy performances include numerous PMEA State Conferences, the NAfME Eastern Division Conference, the 2001 Festival of Women Composers International Conference, and many area flute festivals.
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Dr. David Glover, director

The SRU Percussion Ensemble, directed by David Glover, is a diverse group of percussionists dedicated to performing classic and contemporary percussion literature. Programming for the group is very eclectic, including world music, body percussion, performance art, aleatoric pieces, jazz, electronic music, and classic transcriptions for mallet keyboard ensemble. The ensemble rehearses three times a week and performs on a regular basis on campus and throughout Western Pennsylvania. For more information about this ensemble please contact David Glover at or call 724.738.2442.
Dr. David Glover, director
Dr. David Glover conducts the World Percussion Ensemble. This ensemble consists of music majors and non-majors that share a common interest in percussion music from around the globe. Most of the musicians in this ensemble have little to no experience with the instruments or musical styles prior to attending Slippery Rock University. This colorful ensemble rehearses twice a week, rehearsing and performing on steel pans from Trinidad, taiko from Japan, Batucada from brazil, West African djembe, Afro-Cuban percussion, as well as frame drums from several different cultures. The World Percussion Ensemble has performed throughout Western Pennsylvania in addition to at least one on-campus concert each year. For more information about this ensemble please contact David Glover at or call 724.738.2442.
Dr. Jason Kush, director

The Saxophone Quartets and Saxophone Ensemble are the chamber music groups most directly associated with the Saxophone Studio at Slippery Rock University. Each semester, all saxophone majors as well as saxophone minors and non-music majors form several quartets and a large Saxophone Ensemble.
The Saxophone Quartets function as an ensemble and informal saxophone studio "lab" for developing fundaments, including intonation, tone color, and vibrato. Throughout their four years of participation in these groups, the students rehearse and perform music from the standard repertoire (both classical and jazz) and new works. Associated composers and students contribute works for the Saxophone Quartets to develop and premier.
The Saxophone Quartets have had the honor to perform at the International Saxophone Symposium on three occasions, and regional North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA) events.
Established in 2012 by Dr. Jason Kush, the fourteen-member Slippery Rock University Saxophone Ensemble utilizes six instruments of the saxophone family, ranging from bass to sopranino saxophones. The Saxophone Ensemble performs a range of music, from works written specifically for a saxophone ensemble to classic pieces reorchestrated for the group.
The SRU Saxophone Ensemble performed at the 2014 PMEA All-State Convention, a program which featured classical saxophone legend Dale Underwood (U.S. Navy, retired).
Dr. Jonathan Helmick, director

The Slippery Rock University "Friends in Low Places" Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble (MUSI X92) is comprised of tuba, euphonium, and baritone players who rehearse and perform a variety of music written for tuba-euphonium ensemble. This ensemble is open to all students regardless of major or area of emphasis that play or have an interest in playing euphonium or tuba. No audition is required for participation. One to two credits for every semester of satisfactory participation is granted for this music performance group. The ensemble is also available without credit.
Rehearsing two days per week, the "Friends in Low Places" tuba-euphonium ensemble performs one concert on campus each semester and supports the mission of promoting lifelong participation in music. Taken as a class, credits can fulfill elective requirements for a variety of degree programs. A limited supply of instruments is available for students to check out at no cost. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Slippery Rock University Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble, please contact Director of Bands, Dr. Jonathan Helmick at