Associate Professor
Office: VSC 200K
Dr. Dil Singhabahu joined the department in 2013 as a temporary faculty member and two years later became a tenure track faculty member. She received her Ph.D. from University of Pittsburgh in Biostatistics. Her main research interests are in high dimensional data and dimension reduction methods related to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI) data.
Dr. Singhabahu has years of experience working with students in many research areas such as Classification Methods, FRMI data pre-processing, statistical comparison of student outcomes in different pedagogical methods used in teaching statistics, and the use of partial least squares regression in FMRI brain image development. Her students have presented their work at national, regional, and local conferences and have won national awards.
Outside of work, she likes to travel, read, and fundraise for the Close to My Heart Foundation to help rural schools and hospitals.
Research Interests: Biostatistics, High dimensional data and dimension reduction methods related to FMRI.