Get Involved

Students in Environment Geosciences at SRU have many opportunities to engage in student clubs, fieldwork, and internships.

Student Clubs

  • Geography, Geology and the Environment Club - Open to all students in the department

  • Gamma Theta Upsilon - Honorary society for geography and environmental studies students

  • Sigma Gamma Epsilon - National honorary for geology and environmental science students


The internship program started in 1987. Since then students have had internships with dozens of private and public organizations. The internship program is administered each summer by a selected faculty member from the department. Students register for 3, 6, 9, or 12 semester hours of credit. The course is open to all students who qualify under the program requirements.

Field Trips

Our department is committed to providing a wide variety of field opportunities for students to observe the real world. Recent field trips, course travels and research expeditions have visited local and distant sites such as Costa Rica, Virgin Islands, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Ontario, Newfoundland, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado, South Dakota, Maryland, New York City, Washington, D.C., Nicaragua, China, Death Valley, and Cascade Range. This list doesn't include the numerous cities across the U.S. where our students have attended professional conferences.


We would like to announce a total of about $50,300 for scholarships for the academic year 2024/25. It is a total of 27 scholarships ranging from $500 to $3000. These scholarships are available to majors in the Department of Geography, Geology, and the Environment. Applications are due March 20, 2024. To apply:

  1. Please download the application form, fill it in (you can do this electronically) and save it.
  2. Login to D2L. In D2L please go to Spring 2024 and "GGE Majors - Spring 2024." Go to the dropbox and upload the following documents:
    a. your filled in application form,
    b. a pdf of your Rock Audit, and
    c. your essay. Please write an essay on the following topic: How could you use your SRU education to work on addressing an aspect of climate change after your graduation?
  3. The essay should be well written and at a minimum 500 words in length.

In order to be qualified for any scholarship in the department, you need to be a full-time student and remain that status during the academic year 2024/25 with a minimum 3.0 QPA overall earned at SRU.

Scholarship Application Form: WORD | PDF