Financial Planning & Analysis
The SRU office of Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A) facilitates the annual operating budget process and posts new fiscal year budgets into SAP. We provide reporting and analysis, documentation, assistance and training on how to utilize SAP and SAP Business Intelligence (BI) reports to review departmental financials. This webpage provides instructional resource materials to assist in accessing fund center budgets in SAP and BI, understanding available/remaining budget, and processing funds reservations and budget transfers.
Training & Resource Documents
Budget Training Resources SharePoint
Visit for helpful budget training materials. University credentials are required for access.
- Department Chair Financial Overview - A presentation that provides general overview of University budget structure and the Chair's role in the budget process. A guide to the most frequently used SAP Business Intelligence (BI) reports are provided in this resource.
- Budgeting Fundamentals - A comprehensive guide to SAP and SAP Business Intelligence (BI) budget reports and how to pre-post budget transfers.
- Business Intelligence Reports - Instructions for general navigation of departmental budgets using SAP Business Intelligence (BI) reports.
- Budget Transfers & Funds Reservations - Instructions for pre-posting a budget transfer and creating or changing a funds reservation in SAP.
- Fund Center Structure - Explanation of Fund and Fund Center numbering in SAP.
Budget & Fiscal Planning SharePoint
Visit for the annual operating budget process. University credentials are required and premissions are unique.
- Strategic Budgeting Resources - A presentation and examples of how to complete the budget worksheets for the annual operating budget process.
SAP Password Locked or Expired? - Contact
BI Budget Reports Need Fund Center Personalization? - Contact