SRU’s Early Childhood and Elementary Music Community Engagement Initiative Event Series returns Sept. 16


Children enjoying music

Slippery Rock University’s Early Childhood and Elementary Music Community Engagement Initiative return for another year of music events.

Sept. 12, 2023

SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. — Returning for another season of fun is Slippery Rock University's Early Childhood and Elementary Music Community Engagement Initiative Event Series. The series, led by current SRU students, begins with "Tuneful Tales," 10 a.m., Sept. 16, in the Swope Music Hall, Room G-9. Families, caregivers, and elementary-school-aged children are invited to attend a morning full of activities, including story time, crafts and an instrument petting zoo.

"When we plan musical experiences for children, singing, moving and playing are some of the most important elements we can introduce, foster and build upon," said Cassandra Eisenreich, associate professor of music. "Providing playful activities in these areas can help to support everything from cognitive growth, problem-solving and fine and gross motor skills, to self-expression, creativity and social development."

The series continues with the following events:

"Sing. Move. Play." 10 a.m., Oct. 14, Swope Music Hall, Room G-9. SRU music students will lead participants through activities that explore music through singing, moving and playing. Participants are encouraged to dress up in their favorite costumes.

"Sing. Move. Play." 10 a.m., Feb. 10, Swope Music Hall, Room G-9. SRU music students will lead participants through activities that explore music through singing, moving and playing.

"Tuneful Tales" 10 a.m., April 6, Swope Music Hall, Room G-9. Families, caregivers, and elementary-school-aged children are invited to attend a day full of events including story time, crafts and an instrument petting zoo.

Free tickets for each of the events can be obtained online at

For more information, visit the community engagement section on the SRU Music Department webpage or by contacting Eisenreich at 724.738.2440 or

MEDIA CONTACT: Aaliyah Thomas | 724.738.4854 |