SRU freezes all housing rates for 2016-17


Residence Halls at Slippery Rock University


May 23, 2016

SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa. - Slippery Rock University students and their families can breath a sigh of financial relief when it comes to on-campus housing as the University has announced rates will remain unchanged for the 2016-17 academic year.

"Putting a freeze on all university housing rates is part and parcel of our ongoing efforts to hold costs down while continuing to make the University not only an excellent educational choice, but an economical one as well," said SRU President Cheryl Norton.

SRU's eight residence halls - which offer traditional, studio and suite options - along with ROCK Apartments, house nearly 2,800 students.

"The opportunity to make this budget decision is tied into SRU's overall climate of operating efficiently, putting our students first and remaining focused on access and affordability," Norton said.

SRU's announcement comes on the heels of a May 18 report showing that Pennsylvania's public colleges and universities have lost state subsidies nearly twice the national average.

According to a national analysis by the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities in Washington, D.C., per-student subsidies at public colleges and universities across the country declined by an average of 17 percent since 2008. In Pennsylvania, subsidies shrank by 33 percent even with a 5 percent increase provided this year.

"Given the economic environment, we believe (the freeze) is the right thing to do for everyone involved," said Norton. "It is our hope that by holding the line on housing rates for our students and their families, we're able to provide a bit of relief."

The housing rate freeze is one of six for the 2016-17 academic year. In a March 18 announcement to the University's Council of Trustees, Norton shared that student fees for parking, health services, the student center, student recreation and student life enhancement would also remain at current levels.

MEDIA CONTACT: Robb King | 724.738.2199 |