Do I have to have a serious problem to see a counselor?

The majority of students who seek counseling services are dealing with normal developmental concerns that accompany the college experience. Some examples include but are not limited to:

  • Adjusting to life at SRU
  • Stress or anxiety
  • Alcohol or drug use, misuse or abuse
  • Test anxiety
  • Grief
  • Academic or learning difficulties
  • Low self-esteem
  • Communication skills
  • Relationship concerns (romantic, roommate, family and friends)
  • Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender concerns
  • Eating disorder
  • Depression
  • Abuse issues (physical, sexual, emotional)

Do you charge a fee for counseling services? No, counseling services are free to registered Slippery Rock University students.

How do I make an appointment? You can call 724.738.2034 email scc@sru.edu or come to our office in 118 Rhoads Hall. Our secretary will work with you to find an appointment time that is convenient with your schedule.  Our office is open from 10:00 - 6:30 Monday & Tuesdays and 8:00 - 4:30 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.

How do I cancel or reschedule my appointment? To cancel or reschedule, please call 724.738.2034, email scc@sru.edu, or visit our office and speak with the secretary at least 24 hours in advance.

What can I expect when I come to the counseling center for the first time? When preparing for your first appointment, plan to arrive a few minutes early. Once at the Counseling Center, please check in with the secretary. You will be asked to provide some information (which includes a brief questionnaire) before seeing someone for the first time.  During this appointment your counselor will discuss your present concerns, information from the questionnaire and ask about relevant history in order to determine appropriate counseling recommendations. Once the best course of action to meet your needs has been determined, there will be no additional paperwork apart from a counseling effectiveness survey that you will be asked to fill out (once per semester) by your counselor.

What do you mean when you say that "services are confidential"? The information you share with your counselor does not leave the Counseling Center. Your records are kept separate from your academic records and may not be released to any outside party without your written consent. However, there are limitations to confidentiality. Counselors are required by law to release pertinent information if you threaten to harm yourself or others, if there is child or elder abuse occurring or in response to a court order.

Can students correspond with a counselor via e-mail? As e-mail is not a secure and confidential mode of communication, counseling sessions are conducted face-to-face and e-mail contact is discouraged. Students may email our main office for questions about services or to intitiate services. 

What are the qualifications of the Counselors in the Center? All senior faculty counselors have completed a graduate degree and supervised training in Counseling, Psychology or a related discipline and are licensed or being supervised by a licensed professional. As part of our professional development, all counselors seek continuing education credits on a variety of relevant topics.  We also have master's and doctoral level graduate students completing formal training experiences to fulfill required clinical hours in their programs.  These counselors in training are closely supervised by a senior faculty member.

What if I have a concern, complaint, or feedback about my services? The Student Counseling Center is focused on providing the best service possible to all of our SRU students. We welcome any student with a concern, complaint, or feedback to contact us either by phone or email and our Clinical Director will schedule a time to meet with the student to discuss the issue. We encourage all of our students to discuss concerns with their counselor first.

What if a parent, student, faculty or staff member is concerned about a student? Parents, faculty and other students sometimes wish to share pertinent information when they are concerned about a student.  While a senior faculty member may consult with you, the counselors cannot acknowledge that the person is receiving services at the Counseling Center without that student's permission and then only appropriate information will be shared.   Anyone who has concerns about a student on campus should submit a Care Referral to the Office of the Associate Provost for Student Success.  Once they receive the information they can work with the student to coordinate resources and referrals.  Students, faculty, staff and community members with concerns should submit a Care referral or call Karla Fonner at 724.738.2121.

Care referrals are not intended to be emergency services, if someone is in immediate danger or is an immediate danger to themselves please contact University Police 724.738.3333; Student Health Services 724.738.2052 or 911.