To connect a student to our Care network, please use the Care Referral referral link, if you have questions about the link or your referral, please contact our office at 724.738.2121.
When you arrive at the form there will be a few basic sections to complete, the following is a brief explanation of each section and why we are asking for the information.
The initial Please Select section helps us to know what type of referral you are sending in, please choose the option that best fits your concern.
The Your Information section asks for your basic contact information. Anonymous referrals can be made to the Care Network, however, depending on the information you share, if we have no way to contact you, we may be limited in the response we are able to provide. Should you be willing to talk with us but want to remain anonymous to the student, please enter your information in the “reporter” section of the form and then in your description, let us know you’d like to remain anonymous. Faculty and staff at SRU are required to report any instance of sexual misconduct, threat to the community or extreme mental health issues per university polices as well as state and federal laws.
The Parties Involved section is where you would include the student or students you are concerned about. If this is yourself, you can say, self-referral. Sometimes students have the same name as other students (ex. John Smith) for this reason, it is helpful if you can provide the email address, or other identifying information on the student in this area. Witnesses may receive outreach depending on the event.
The Time and Location section should be completed according to the approximate date and time the situation occurred. If you do not know the exact date and time, an estimate is fine. We use location information to determine if there is a threat to the campus community and if we need to issue safety alerts. If you do not know the exact location, you can enter unknown in the additional location information box.
The Descriptive Information section is one of the most important sections. This is where we are asking you to provide the details that lead you to completing this referral. It is important to be as specific as possible and share fact-based information. If you do not have specific pieces of information, that is ok, include what you do know or what was shared with you. If you wanted to remain anonymous in the referral, this is the section where you can let us know of that request.
The Bias/Discrimination question allows us to know if we need to include our specialized Bias Response Team in our determination of the support to provide following this event. More information Bias Response can be found on our university’s Campus Climate and Culture page.
Finally, you can attach or upload documents and submit your report.
Once you’ve submitted a referral, you should receive a thank you message. Should you want to look for additional resources now, you can visit our SRU Concern Center Resource Page.
If you have additional questions, concerns or require detailed follow up, please contact our office by phone 724.738.2121 or email
For information about what happens after you refer, please see the tab below titled “What Does A Care Case Manager Do?”.
The privacy of student information is incredibly important to our department. We will not share information with parents, faculty, staff, coaches, teammates, roommates, etc. without expressed consent from the student unless the student is unable to communicate with us do to incapacity or there is a danger to the student or the community. Information may be shared with our campus Care Coordination or Behavioral Intervention team to coordinate the care of the student or to address a situation where there is threat to the community. For more information please see the Response Team tab in the left-hand navigation of this page.