Student Conduct
Office of Student Conduct
Members of the Slippery Rock University community have developed a set of expectations for student behavior. These expectations are contained in the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct outlines the rights and responsibilities of all students, and it provides a fair process to evaluate and respond to allegations of misconduct. All students are expected to read and be familiar with the Student Code of Conduct. The conduct process on campus runs parallel to the criminal justice process through the court system. It is possible to be in violation of the law and dealing with criminal court and be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct and going through the conduct process on campus at the same time. The Office of Student Conduct at Slippery Rock University is located within the Campus Success Center.
Our Staff:
Scott Irlbacher
Office Secretary:
Alison Stucchio
Graduate Assistant:
Harley Anderson
Contact Us:
For questions about the SRU Student Code of Conduct, the student conduct process, or the Office of Student Conduct, please contact the director:
Schedule an appointment with our staff:
Important note:
E-mail messages sent from the office of student conduct to students through university assigned e-mail addresses will constitute an official means of communication. All correspondence regarding incidents will be communicated through the student's SRU e-mail address. It is the student's responsibility and obligation to access and respond to official university e-mail correspondence.