Alumni Highlights

Mathematics Word Cloud

Kelli Galbraith, ‘24
Graduate Student, M.Ed.
"The SRU Mathematics and Statistics program helped me to develop technical skills, make connections and discover career opportunities that I never would have imagined. The close community and relationships with faculty not only led to my academic achievement but helped me to relax and enjoy my time. This department provided me with teaching and research experience and led me to a DOE internship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Presenting research projects at three national conferences gave me connections in the engineering realm and with the NSA. I was able to complete master's courses as an undergrad, and through every twist and turn in my career path, I have been prepared to succeed: whether in applied mathematics, teaching, or further education."

Sam Lowery ‘24
PhD Student, The Ohio State University
“SRU's mathematics and statistics program offers strong support and guidance, fostering essential problem-solving skills for industry, government, and academia. Professors are caring and approachable, and students can accelerate their learning through small class sizes at a teaching-focused university. I've had research opportunities since freshman year, and the department has prepared me for REUs, the study abroad program Budapest Semesters in Mathematics, and a fantastic mathematics PhD program post-graduation that will allow me to pursue my dreams as a mathematics researcher.”

Josh Zigarovich, ‘24
Actuarial Analyst, The Hanover Insurance Group
“While SRU provided me with an extraordinary education, I would not be where I am if not for the phenomenal faculty in the mathematics department. They pushed me to leave my comfort zone which allowed me to develop into who I am today. I can confidently say those around me in the department propelled me in my career. This department understands how to tap into the potential found in all students.”

Aran Bybee, ‘24
Graduate Student, George Mason University
“The Mathematics and Statistics Program at SRU provided me with everything that I needed coming out of high school to realize my dream of attending graduate school for mathematics. The department gave me the opportunity to develop my research skills through various projects and conferences and provided a much-needed sense of community. Even if I hadn’t pursued my current route, the program gave me a solid enough foundation that I know I could succeed no matter what I chose.”

Elijah Saesan, ‘24
Aspiring Data Analyst/Actuary/Still Figuring it Out
“SRU has lived up to most of my expectations in an academic sense, but truly surprised me in regard to the community. When first planning to attend freshman year, I was told I'd be a fool to miss a year staying home due to covid because I would miss out on all the interactions and lifelong friendships. I originally scoffed, but after coming, I have a new opinion. The faculty that helped me earn my degree in mathematics were some of the most hardworking, dedicated, and friendly people I've ever met. If you have a goal, they will do everything they can to get you there, and if you don't, they still push you to apply yourself more.”

Lilley Gilbert, '24
“At SRU in the Mathematics and Statistics Program, I was able to gain skills I will use for the rest of my life, no matter what job I'm in. The professors in the program are very helpful and understanding; if you are in a sticky situation, they will stop, listen to you, and make any needed adjustments to help you succeed. Moreover, when I decided to change my career path, all the professors were super supportive and even gave me recommendations on the best way to go about it. For the classes, they allowed me to unlock the best version of myself, while at the same time allowing me to evolve into who I am at the end of my collegiate career. Overall, my decision to come here led to many life lessons, forever friends, and an experience I will never forget.”

Candace Corvino, ‘23
Graduate Student, M.Ed.
“SRU provided me with an educational experience unlike anything that I expected. Small class sizes allow you to create a great relationship with the professors that extends beyond the classroom. The professors will not only help you with your academics, but also help you to find other opportunities to further your future in the career that you want to pursue. I had the opportunity to complete research and organize mathematical outreach events that were an exceptional addition to my resume for graduate school and applying for teaching positions.”

Adriana Gonzalez Sanchez, ‘23
PhD Student University of Cincinnati ‘27
“As an international student living away from home, receiving a quality education, and feeling a sense of belonging were top priorities for me. SRU excelled in both areas. In addition to providing an excellent classroom experience, the Mathematics and Statistics department cultivated a strong sense of community. Professors were always ready to assist with any academic challenges, regardless of the material or time of day. They genuinely cared about our academic success and well-being. Moreover, there were numerous opportunities for research, conference participation, and presentations, with the department offering extensive support to ensure our success. Looking back on my three years at SRU, I am confident that I made the right choice in joining them."

Jackson Kitko, ‘23
MS Data Analytics SRU ‘24
"Studying at SRU was a transformative experience that equipped me with invaluable skills and opportunities. The personalized attention from professors in the smaller department allowed me to develop strong analytical thinking and problem-solving skills, preparing me for a wide range of professional opportunities. The flexibility to pursue my interests let me work on projects that personally interested me. Hanging out in the mathematics department studying and playing games with fellow math students is some of the most fun I've ever had. It's a great place to get to meet and work with some really cool faculty and students."

Shelby N. Coladonato, ’23
MS Data Analytics SRU ‘24
“SRU allows you to create your own path. It’s up to you to decide your future. I took that opportunity and ran with it. I got to create the degree and classwork I wanted, and learn the material I wanted to. My experience at a bigger school compared to here is completely different. The professors here are willing and wanting to work with you. The relationships you make with your peers and professors will last a lifetime. It’s not like the bigger schools where you fit into a cookie cutter. You can tell the personality of the people just by the classes they take. You become your own person.”